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32. Explaining fetch and promise to a 10 year old
code reviews programming
Here is how a llm would explain javascript fetch and promise to a 10 year old.
31. Curious Case of Font Size Units in Web Development
css web application accessibility
This article talks various font size units in css and how they affect accessibility in web applications.
30. Performance Tuning Your Web Application
web devlopment web vitals
This article introduces you to the web vitals and deep dives into how to measure and optimize them to improve performance of your website.
29. Notes on React Design Patterns
react web application design patterns
This article talks about some of the common react design patterns which you can use in your react projects.
28. Mistakes from my first rental property investment
real estate investing cashflow
Capturing some of the mistakes and learnings I had from my first out of state rental property investment.
27. What are those extra HTTP OPTIONS api calls in network tab ?
web development devTools
This article explains the options api call that you see in network tab.
26. Understanding and fixing FOUC
web devlopment fouc
FOUC ( Flash of Unstyled Content ) is an issue which plagues a lot of websites. This articles describes the problem, why it happens and how you can fix it.
25. CSS Purging
css web development
This article talks about css purging which is a technique used to optimize bundle size.
24. Thoughts on managing engineering teams
technical leadership engineering management
I have gained first hand experience of managing engineering teams while playging the role of tech lead at Intuit and before that at Tata Technologies. This article captures some of my thoughts on managing engineering teams.
23. Insights from our journey of buying first home.
home buying first home
We recently started looking into buying our first home. This article documents some of my learnings from this journey.
22. Important coding style guidelines for React and Typescript developers
react typescript coding styleguides
This articles lists the most important style guidelines for react and typescript developers. These guidelines are derived from google TS style guide and airbnb react style guide.
21. Cold Showers & No Sugar - My experiments and learnings
biohacks healthy lifestyle
I have built the habit of taking daily cold showers and restricting myself to only sugar from fruits. In this article, I am going to share few details on my personal experience with this change.
20. To memoize or not to memoize ? Is the Question !
web application react
This article talks about a performance optimization technique for react apps. Memoization. I elaborate on when to do memoization and when to not do it.
19. Stop Prop Drilling ! Do this instead !
react web application javascript
One of the anti patterns in react web applications is prop drilling. This is where props are passed from the parent through the component chain till the component where its used. In this article, I talk about a design pattern which can help you avoid prop drilling.
18. Getting started with Real Estate Investing in USA
real estate financial independence
This article describes some of the basic concepts of real estate investing that you should know.
17. What does idiomatic javascript really mean ?
web application javascript
Typescript adds few new constructs which are not supported in vanilla javascript. This article briefly defines the concept of idiomaticity and the specific typescript contructs which break idiomaticity for js developers.
16. Guidelines for using typescript with react
typescript web application javascript react
If you are planning to using typescript in your react projects, here are few guidelines which might help you. TS has been gaining popularity among web dev community in recent years.
15. What exactly is JAMStack ?
jamstack web application javascript
I recently read and learned about JAMStack. This article is a quick summary of my learnings. A lot of static content focused web apps are moving the JAMStack these days. In fact, this very blog is based on JAMStack.
14. From JS to TS - A Learner`s Transition Guide
typescript web application javascript
This is a quick starter guide for all the javascript programmers to get started with typescript. I briefly touchbase on few core concepts of typescript which can help you get off the ground with TS.
13. Why you should care to use Typescript ?
web application typescript
In this article, I share my thoughts around why you should move to typescript from javascript for web development.
12. Optimizing Your React App Performance
react web application app performance
This article provides recommendations to optimize your react web application and improve its overall performance.
11. Strategies to Turbo Charge Your Impact as a Tech Lead
tech lead software engineering
This article consists of some of the process patterns and ideas which I have been using to scale up as a tech lead. After I became tech lead I started trying new things some of which worked in my favor and gave me an edge in my role. This article is collection of those.
10. Building Resilient Software Systems
software architecture engineering
This article talks about different ways you can weave resiliency in the fabric of your software system/architecture. The goal of this article is to give you a thought framework or pattern to evaluate your system from different perspectives.
9. Your Code Stinks If It Has These Code Smells
code smells programming
This article talks about code smells. These are code chunks which should be optimized or removed for better code quality
8. Ultra Efficient Code Reviews Through a Simple Three-Pass Method
code reviews programming
This article talks about a simple three pass method which I use for code reviews. I have found this method to be quick and efficient.
7. Design Recommendations for Building an Efficient Chatbot
chatbots engineering
Based on my learnings while building a e-commerce chatbot , here are few design recommendations to consider if you decide to build a chatbot for yourself.
soap rest engineering
This article lists few key differences between SOAP and REST.I also talk about scenarios where you can use each of them.
5. 10 Reasons Why You Should Fire Your Co-founder Right Now
entrepreneurship startup
Your co-founder is one of those very few people who believed in your idea right from the start. He/she is one of your first ‘Yes, this is awesome’, out of those 99 other ‘this will not work’ opinions. And you will find a family in them. I did,and I still do.
4. 10 Qualities That Can Make You a Better Startup Founder
entrepreneurship startup
To drive your startup towards success, you must make significant improvements at both the personal and the team level. You must make changes that will drive positive results inside as well as outside.
3. 7 Tips to Prepare a Killer Elevator Pitch
entrepreneurship startup
An elevator pitch is the best way of sparking an interest about your startup in the listener’s mind. It is a concise explanation of your startup.
2. Things that are Holding Entrepreneurs Back From Success
entrepreneurship startup
‘Why am I not successful? Why is it not happening for me? Why is my life all messed up?’ Do these questions haunt you every day? Are these the questions that keep you awake at night?
1. Top 10 Reasons Why Startups Fail
entrepreneurship startup
80% of startups fail in the first three years, here are few reasons why !